How to Thicken Eyelash and Eyebrow Natural
Highlight a sharp eye and gracefully decorated with natural eyelashes and thick eyebrows certainly very person's appearance to be very charming. Currently the models eyebrows deliberately cut out and replaced with the formation of a special eyebrow pencil glance it appears to be ternd. But actually, we are sure that most of us want to have beautiful eyelashes and eyebrows were nice natural, not artificial! But unfortunately it is in fact each of us not endowed with the same gift. And therefore it is present among us who finally meelakukan every way to get the shape eyebrows and eyelashes in accordance with what we want. Through this article we want to try to help share tips and how to thicken eyelashes and eyebrows naturally using natural ingredients as well, namely milk and coconut oil.
How to thicken lashes and eyebrows naturally with milk and coconut oil
1. Whole milk
Pure milk is one of the natural ingredients that can be utilized for beauty care eyebrows and eyelashes as well make it grow bushy charming and certainly healthier. Friends who need to do is put it on a regular basis eyelashes and eyebrows while doing massage gently and then diamkanlah for some time before later cleaned using cold water (not ice water). Do it the way thicken eyelashes and eyebrows naturally this routine at least 3 times a week and can obtain good results and also satisfactory.
In order to prevent our eyelashes and eyebrows fall out, then as much as possible avoid to rub hard or rubbed his eyebrows with our eyes with a frequency yangterlalu often. Because it will cause brittle lashes and trigger the collapse of eyebrow hair and eyelashes us because of our skin in the eye area is very thin and sensitive course. In addition, do not forget to always clean up our makeup including eye makeup on as, among others, eye shadow, mascara, eyebrow pencil and eyeliner, at bedtime. It's very important to do so that the health of our eyes always awake. For a good time occasionally also apply conditioner specifically our artificial eyelashes of a mixture of vitamin E in olive oil that can be beneficial to maintain the condition of lashes that stay healthy, the softer, and also strong and do not become easy to fall off.
2. Coconut oil
Other natural materials that can be utilized are coconut oil, this is a natural substance that is cheap and very easy to find and is a part of the way melebatkan woman's eyebrows and eyelashes naturally. As is widely recommended that coconut oil is very efficacious to stimulate new hair growth in the area of our brow. And how menggunakannyapun very easy, fairly evenly coconut oil regularly in the area of the eyebrows and of course as the above with a massage slowly. It can also be done in our eyelashes. If the way to thicken eyelashes and eyebrows naturally this is done routinely and regularly, then in a short time we will get the eyebrows and eyelashes naturally thick.
Our records about how to thicken eyelashes and eyebrows naturally
Friends, have eyebrows and eyelashes beautiful would be very supportive of our natural beauty charm. This is because we no longer need to use a gloss-polished and gaudy makeup and thick only to accentuate the beauty of the face that is in us. As many people have said that with this beautiful eyebrows can frame the face nicely and beautiful so that will add to the charm of the beauty of the face belongs to us. Having long eyelashes and tapering also makes increase the beauty of our eyes increasingly radiated out because it can create the impression of eyes look a little bigger proportionately. Ok, good luck how to thicken eyelashes and eyebrows naturally have. Remain cautious and always consult with an experienced, because the feathers are located in areas of sufficient senditif that eye.
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