
How to Treat Sinusitis Disease

Lately the term sinusitis become so popular because there are many people who suffer from this disease.

Worse, more and more people who do not realize that they are suffering from sinusitis, because generally this disease symptoms are almost similar to the flu.

In most people who develop the flu, most of them tend to ignore it because he considered as a mild disease will be cured by itself.

The flu is so, without using the drugs, the disease will be cured by itself. The disease is most often caused by a virus that enters the body and makes the patient suffering from this disease. Even then, if the patient is experiencing a condition where the body resistance decreased. Meanwhile, when, his endurance fit and awake, then penyakti flu can be avoided because the body work alone in fighting the virus that enters the body.

Meanwhile, another case with sinusitis. This one disease that is caused by the same causes bacteria or viruses that enter into the wall of the sinus, but the presence of Viru This can lead to inflammation of the section. However, unlike the case with the flu that can be cured by itself, sinus infection or sinusitis can not go unpunished. Effort is needed to immediately address these conditions or symptoms that could be improved.

Well, to find out what it is and how to cure sinus disease. Let's see explanation below.


Understanding Disease Sinusitis

Sinusitis is a condition in which part of the sinus cavity inflammation or inflammation. This inflammation is often caused by an infection due to viruses or bacteria. In addition to some of the above causes, sinusitis can occur by many factors, such as for example irritation or allergic to the chemicals that go into the nose, followed by the presence of bacteria and viruses.

Sinuses are air-filled cavities tiny lying there on the back of the cheekbones and forehead. Only, when the sinus is blocked by the liquid containing the bacteria, the bacteria will infect the part. In some cases, sinus disease is often triggered due to chronic colds or flu that took place in the time period long enough.

It could be cold diidap by a patient was initially a part of an allergic reaction due to exposure to dust or pollution. Which after inhalation, the condition which would cause the flu occur in the patient.

Well, when this condition occurs constantly and immediately sought a solution to be able to cope with the condition, it could be the flu lasts in the long term and the potential presence of sinusitis that attacks the nose.

This disease is a common disease that can infect anyone regardless of race, class, age or gender. So it is, this will sinusitis can affect anyone, including parents or even your baby at this time.

Basically, the function of the organ is to be able to relieve sinus skull, well when there are problems sinus section, then this condition will cause the sinus can not carry out their duties and functions as where normally.

Symptoms of Sinus

As with other diseases, sinusitis comes with several traits before the disease develops into a major severe disease. Some of these signs and symptoms that warrant concern. So that when you or other people around you begin to reveal some of the symptoms that refer to sinusitis, then you should immediately consult this condition immediately. To be so, the correct handling of this disease can be done immediately.

As for some of the symptoms of sinusitis include:

1. Pain section Head

One of the early symptoms will be felt by the patient sinusistis disease is the onset of a headache. Unlike in normal conditions, headache symptoms generally will be felt constantly and never healed. In this disease, the head will generally painful, heavy and like a punctured. Such conditions would be disturbing events and activities undertaken by the patient.

2. Pain Faces section

Given the location of this position is the sine Area diarea face, then when the part is impaired such as inflammation of this section, then the impact will also be felt by the face. In this condition, the face will be as painful as pain that is felt when you experience Swelling of the section.

3. Stuffy Nose

It is most commonly felt by patients with frequent sinusitis is nasal congestion. Such conditions have generally become more common when the patient is sleeping at night and woke up in the morning.

4. Fever

Fever is a symptom that comes along with other symptoms. Symptoms of this one also usually be early symptoms when someone is experiencing sinus. The body temperature often rises at times fall into one of the signs that can characterize the sinus after the above symptoms felt by the patient.

5. The presence of mucus Out Of Nose

Mucus out of the nose usually we refer to as snot. In normal conditions, snot coming out is usually white and viscous. But in patients with sinus, snot coming out generally thick and greenish color. Even under these conditions, the patient may experience a decrease in the power of smell. On the other hand, the patient will feel the eye area such as hives are then accompanied by sneezing and pain during swallowing.

Causes of Sinusitis

You should know that there are some major cause that can spur a person suffering from sinusitis. Thus, you must be able to be aware of this condition. Here are some of the causes of sinusitis in a patient.

1. Sinus Infection

Sinus infections usually occur because of dirty air and pollution are often inhaled by the patient. Germs or tiny particles floating in the air that enters the respiratory tract will be able to infect the sinuses so that this part will remove fluid such as mucus. For this reason, you should keep your sinus organ health by always wearing a mask or a face shield when you are traveling.

2. Dirty Air

Yes, dirty air may be one contributor to a person affected sinus. This is because the germs, bacteria, viruses and fungi can make the infected sinus passages.

3. Allergies

Allergies can be one of the factors that make a person experiencing sinusitis. If you are a person who is allergic to animals, foods, animal dander, pollen and so forth, then try to avoid any trigger allergens that make you sneeze or have flu.

That he's a handful of causes that can make a person suffering from sinus disease.

Given the considerable impact of this disease and the danger will decrease the function of multiple senses in your body, it is essential, identifying ways to treat this disease.

How to Treat Sinusitis

Approximately 60% of patients with sinusitis do not need to see a doctor and get medical treatment which is quite intense. Most of the cases were found, sinus disease is often caused by an infection from the virus. Which if penyababnya Thus, this disease will be cured by itself. Sekitr It takes 2-3 weeks to be able to cure this disease by itself. In other words, the survival of this disease his time much longer than the cold.

For mild sinus disease, painkillers will be sufficient and these drugs can be met in a pharmacy. Several types of drugs sold in drugstores or pharmacies include ibuprofen and paracetamol. Both drugs drugs of this type will be able to relieve some of the symptoms caused by sinusitis as well as fever, headache and pain in the face.

Meanwhile, for children under the age of 16 years, consumption of aspirin is not recommended even banned drugs given to them. The use of any type of drug ibuprofen is not recommended for patients with certain health conditions. Including suffering from asthma, severe heart failure and gastric ulcers.

Some types of other drugs such as decongestants, eye drops or nasal spray, will be used to relieve the symptoms and diseases that result from this one. Drugs of this type is sold freely in drug stores or pharmacies.

With the consumption of these drugs will be able to overcome the blockage and make you will be able to breathe more easily. However, decongestant medicine will not help the recovery sinusitis quickly. In addition, the use of these drugs should not be taken more than one week. Thus, if after consumption of these drugs in one week, but your condition is not getting better, then you should leave the consumption of these drugs immediately.

When to Consult To Doctor?

Consult your doctor if you experience sinusitis condition is accompanied by a discharge of blood or excessive pain. Additionally, preferably before you take the medicine type of decongestant should consult in advance if you are suffering from several diseases such as glaucoma, hypertension that is not being addressed, heart disease, thyroid gland problems, enlarged prostate and diabetes. Because these drugs are generally aka can make a person feel anxious and have trouble sleeping.

Similarly, some of the things that can be done in treating sinusitis suffered. When the sinus symptoms began to deteriorate and does not subside after a week, then you should immediately contact a doctor. In this way, the doctor will give a more precise treatment for the disease you have.

Hopefully useful and get well.

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